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更新:【舊書收集行動】已延期 Event deferred






1. 將軍澳新都城中心一期商場 … 22/2 - 23/2 ︱12pm to 7pm 及 17/4-18/4︱11am to 8pm 2. 上水中心購物商場 …13/2 - 3/3 ︱10am to 10pm 3. 灣仔陽光中心 … 6/3~24/3 ︱9am to 6pm

懇請注意:由於庫存空間及資源所限,請喺捐贈前依據收書準則 ( 先行篩選。一則可減少閣下搬運的辛勞,同時減輕義工朋友工作量。




--------------------------------------------------------------------- Used Book Collection details:

1. Metro City Plaza 1 … 22/2 - 23/2 ︱12pm to 7pm 及 17/4-18/4︱11am to 8pm 2. Sheung Shui Centre Shopping Arcade …13/2 - 3/3 ︱10am to 10pm 3. Sunlight Tower, 284 Queen's Road East … 6/3~24/3 ︱9am to 6pm

Here comes a new round of used book collection for the good cause! If you have some good old books to give away, please consider bringing them to us. All books collected will be sold at our reader's carnival "Bring A Book & Share" scheduled for April 17 to 19 at Metro City Plaza 1. All money raised, after deducting necessary expenses, will be used to nurture reading culture in Hong Kong.

We’d like to draw your attention once again to our book collection criteria and donate only the books we need. This will not only help reduce the unnecessary loads you carry around, but also alleviate the workload of our volunteers.

Book Collection Criteria

WE COLLECT: Used books of >70% new in condition and list price at or above HKD30.- with no broken pages, written notes nor obvious wrinkles.

WE DO NOT ACCEPT: comic books, romance novels, textbooks, technical reference books, tourist guidebooks, dictionaries, magazines/periodicals, books in simplified Chinese, religious literature such as Bible, Buddhist Scripture and similar, neither books which are marked “not for resale”. Please do not donate more than 3 copies of the same publication.

Each book accepted by Read-Cycling will be given a stamp worth HKD10* to be used at "Bring A Book & Share 2020".

Last but not the least, Read-Cycling would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Sunlight REIT for their continued support to Bring A Book & Share and its pre-event activities!

* Should you like to receive the stamp(s) at the Sunlight Tower book collection box, please first contact Management Office on the 2/F. Thank you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read-Cycling is a charitable organization and enjoys tax exemption under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


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