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The Memory Police ( Yoko Ogawa )

The Memory Police ( Yoko Ogawa )


" It’s a dreamlike story of dystopia, set on an unnamed island that’s being engulfed by an epidemic of forgetting. In the novel, the psychological toll of this forgetting is rendered in physical reality: when objects disappear from memory, they disappear from real life. " - The New Yorker


Yoko Ogawa (小川 洋子) has published over 40 works and has been awarded every major Japanese literary award in existence. Originally published in 1994, the novel was translated into English last year.  

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  • 最佳時間為星期三日間〡Our best time is Wednesday daytime;或/OR

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  • 最佳時間為星期五日間〡Our best time is Friday daytime;或/OR

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