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The Marriage Book

The Marriage Book


In the wedding service two people declare their solemn commitment to each other before a congregation of witnesses, friends and relations. This book contains the full text of the marriage service, in all common forms. First, the poetic and historical text from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, then a modern version, devised in 1977, whose language is one of directness and clarity. And finally the book presents a selection of readings, from the Bible and elsewhere, and the text of some of the best-loved hymns appropriate to the occasion. 


Hardback published by Ebury Press.
96 pages with 60 colour illustrations with medieval drawings
Dimensions 113 x 192 x 12.7mm 

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  • 新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈19A室〡19A, Success Industrial Building, 17 Sheung Hei Street, San Po Kwong
  • 最佳時間為星期三日間〡Our best time is Wednesday daytime;或/OR

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  • 最佳時間為星期五日間〡Our best time is Friday daytime;或/OR

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