Learn, Work, Lead :Things Your Mentor Won't Tell You ( Terri Tierney Clark )
So you've Leaned In, now what? In today's world, women's career success relies on much more than just taking advice from a mentor, knowing how to network, and being proactive. Young professional women have to learn how to analyze career decisions for themselves and figure out what to do when their decisions don't work out.
Learn, Work, Lead: Things Your Mentor Won't Tell You is a cutting-edge career and job search guide that will teach you those skills and give you the tools to navigate successfully in a gender-biased workplace. It will show you how to plan your career now so that you will be chosen to lead in the future.
Coaching on how to analyze career decisions and make the best choices even when your solutions differ from your mentors' advice.
Guidance on how to succeed even when you're faced with problems that no one could predict.
Tools to develop your optimal career plan.
Lessons from top business leaders' career war stories.
Terri Tierney Clark was one of the first female Managing Directors in Merrill Lynch & Co.’s investment banking department as well as one of the founders of the private equity institutional fundraising business. She was a graduate of Smith College and earned her MBA from The Tuck School at Dartmouth College.
Learn, Work, Lead: Things Your Mentor Won’t Tell You was voted as London’s Financial Times’ “Reader’s Favourite Books of 2014”.
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