google-site-verification: google1673b2117cb94912.html King Lear - Folger Shakespeare Library (William Shakespeare) | Read-Cycling書送快樂
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King Lear - Folger Shakespeare Library (William Shakespeare)

King Lear - Folger Shakespeare Library (William Shakespeare)


The authoritative edition of King Lear from The Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for students and general readers, includes:

-Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play
-Full explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play
-Scene-by-scene plot summaries
-A key to the play’s famous lines and phrases
-An introduction to reading Shakespeare’s language
-An essay by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play
-Fresh images from the Folger Shakespeare Library’s vast holdings of rare books
-An annotated guide to further reading


Shakespeare’s King Lear challenges us with the magnitude, intensity, and sheer duration of the pain that it represents. Its figures harden their hearts, engage in violence, or try to alleviate the suffering of others. The play tells us about families struggling between greed and cruelty, on the one hand, and support and consolation, on the other. Emotions are extreme, magnified to gigantic proportions.  This most devastating of Shakespeare’s tragedies is also perhaps his most moving.

1. 預約親臨「蒲書館」〡At PPO Library

  • 新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈19A室〡19A, Success Industrial Building, 17 Sheung Hei Street, San Po Kwong
  • 最佳時間為星期三日間〡Our best time is Wednesday daytime;或/OR

2. 預約親臨 「書送快樂」辦公室〡At our Sheung Wan office

  • 上環文咸東街111號 MW Tower 15樓〡15/F, MW Tower, 111 Bonham Street
  • 最佳時間為星期五日間〡Our best time is Friday daytime;或/OR

3. 經由順豐派送〡Through SF EXPRESS


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