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Khul-Khaal: Five Egyptian Women Tell Their Stories (Nayra Atiya)

Khul-Khaal: Five Egyptian Women Tell Their Stories (Nayra Atiya)


This book collects five oral histories of Egyptian women from middle to working class recorded by UNICEF prize-winning author and oral historian Nayra Atiya.


"This very informative and engrossing book presents Egyptian women of courage and tenacity who command and hold the reader's attention as each tells her story. Because these humble women share so openly some of the most intimate and important moments of their lives, they remain in the memory long after the book is finished...


Their moving and often poignant stories shatter many of the popular assumptions that Western and Third World feminists alike have about the lives of working class women."

-- Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

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  • 最佳時間為星期三日間〡Our best time is Wednesday daytime;或/OR

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  • 最佳時間為星期五日間〡Our best time is Friday daytime;或/OR

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