荷里活導演基斯杜化路蘭 (Christopher Nolan) 新戲《天能》,近日又成話題。路蘭前作《星際效應》(港譯《星際啟示錄》),當年同樣引起全球熱議,《星際效應: 電影幕後的科學事實、推測與想像》作者係呢套戲嘅科學顧問暨執行製作人,2017年獲頒諾貝爾物理學獎。佢以電影情節及場景為藍本,用淺白語言拆解廣義相對論與量子力學等概念。如有疑惑,"Don't try to understand it, just feel it"。
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London:2000 Years of a City and Its People traces the development of London through the ages: from the first rough dwellings on the Thames marshes in the first century A.D to the sprawling, many-faced city of today. Through the eyes of contemporary writers, artists, actors and musicians, recording, you'll wander around with them the applauding and sometimes despairing of the London they knew, accompanied with almost 1000 illustrations, many of them never reproduced before.
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