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【上環辦公室搬家了〡Our Office in Sheung Wan Just Moved.】


「書送快樂」新辦公室的大廈,原是百多年前成立的南北行公所舊址,就近還有香港百年老酒莊永利威。以後嚟上環捐書或探我哋,可以順便喺附近行個 round,懷緬一下老香港風味。


★ 記住新地址 ( 9/12/2024 開始)★


[周一至五11am-6pm] 敬請預約


The new office of Read-Cycling is situated in the heart of the oldest business district of Hong Kong where Nam Pak Hong Association was set up. Wing Lee Wai, the Chinese winemaker since 1876 is just a few dozen steps away. Next time when you come to donate books, you may also consider to tour around this little area and feel the old charm of our city.


★ Find us here (Starting from 9 Dec, 2024)★

Rm 1601, 135 Bonham Strand Trade Centre, 135 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan, HK [Mon-Fri 〡11am-6pm] Contact us before you come.



#書送快樂 (IR No 91/10408) 是政府註冊慈善團體,成立於2009年。15年來,我們把逾18萬本很新的舊書回流社區,為有需要學校及社群節省超過HK$1,000萬 購書支出,主辦各類型文化活動逾300項,期能令看書與環保能成為生活一部分。


Founded in 2009, local charity Read-Cycling (IR No 91/10408) has re-channeled over 180,000 quality used books to needy schools and communities, helping them save more than HKD10 million in buying books. We have hosted more than 300 cultural activities over the years to promote reading and low-carbon living.


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