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Ingenious Pursuits : Building the Scientific Revolution (Lisa Jardine)

Ingenious Pursuits : Building the Scientific Revolution (Lisa Jardine)


In this fascinating look at the European scientific advances of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, historian Lisa Jardine demonstrates that the pursuit of knowledge occurs not in isolation, but rather in the lively interplay and frequently cutthroat competition between creative minds.

The great thinkers of that extraordinary age, including Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, and Christopher Wren, are shown in the context in which they lived and worked. We learn of the correspondences they kept with their equally passionate colleagues and come to understand the unique collaborative climate that fostered virtuoso discoveries in the areas of medicine, astronomy, mathematics, biology, chemistry, botany, geography, and engineering.  Ingenious Pursuits brilliantly chronicles the true intellectual revolution that continues to shape our very understanding of ourselves, and of the world around us.

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  • 新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈19A室〡19A, Success Industrial Building, 17 Sheung Hei Street, San Po Kwong
  • 最佳時間為星期四至六 1-6pm〡Our best time is Thur to Sat, 1-6pm;或/OR

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  • 上環文咸東街111號 MW Tower 15樓〡15/F, MW Tower, 111 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan
  • 最佳時間為星期一至五 11am-5pm〡Our best time is Mon to Fri 11am-5pm;或/OR

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