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為了更好的自己〡The Power of Habit



互聯網與社交媒體無縫影響所有人的思考模式與生活選擇。美國作家法蘭岑以雜文集《如何獨處》反思個人與群體的距離,對社會謬象展現擲地有聲的異議。哈佛企管碩士及《紐約時報》得獎記者杜希格,根據訪談及大量研究寫成《為什麼我們這樣生活,那樣工作?》(The Power of Habit ),從個人、企業、社會三個層面,闡釋如何透過改變習慣,改寫人生,甚至移風易俗。中英文版同時上架。


羅哲斯(Carl Rogers)被譽為「二十世紀最具影響力的治療師」之一,排名僅次於居首位的佛洛伊德。經典著作《成為一個人》不僅是心理治療學,也是人格哲學。靈性智慧大師奧修 (OSHO),對內在蛻變科學貢獻殊多,他獨特的「動態式靜心技巧」,讓你更容易體驗到沒有思想的自由以及放鬆的靜心狀態。《橘皮書》乃其講授靜心技巧竅要。






此外還有The Disaster Artist 。爛到盡頭便是cult。2003年獨立電影 The Room 爛到災難級,老闆兼主角Tommy Wiseau蝕到入肉。豈知十年人事大翻身,萬千粉絲瘋狂追捧,並仿效電影衣著入場開派對。本書乃主角之一Greg Sestero寫的拍攝逸事,或曰膠事,亦寫下荷里活難能可貴的手足情。






Distilling vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives that take us from the boardrooms of Procter & Gamble to the sidelines of the NFL to the front lines of the civil rights movement, The Power of Habit presents a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential. By harnessing habits, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives.


The Disaster Artist, another new addition this week, is the hilarious, behind-the-scenes story of The Room, a deliciously awful cinematic phenomenon as well as the story of an odd and inspiring Hollywood friendship.


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