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非常生活好好活|Religion for Atheists by Alain de Botton


生活、生存。個人、群體。每天進出不個角色與崗位,難免積累很多情緒。別被它拖垮你。今期「書店快樂」新添18本好書, 給腦袋、心靈和肚補一補。


日本傳統美學與思想哲學「侘寂」(Wabi-Sabi ),以安靜、質樸、淡然之道面對人世間的不完美。入門經典《Wabi-Sabi:給設計者、生活家的日式美學基礎》,讓我們思索如何從日常生活中,尋找心安之處。義大利學者諾丘.歐丁著作《無用之用》則提出探索之必要,緩慢之必要,醞釀之必要,徒然之必要。為生活留一點白,始會發現更多可能。


有「特級校對」之稱的陳夢因乃香港第一代食評家,正職為《星島日報》總編輯。《食經壹 .平常真味》收錄上世紀50年代名店、名廚、食飲故事及廣東菜烹煮心得,現已鮮為人知,值得細味。愈看愈餓?一於參考《中午吃什麼?》,選家滿意的館子放肆一下。泰勒.柯文以經濟學家的腦袋,與讀者分享如何找到健康、環保兼實惠的餐館竅要。




另一經典小說《浮士德博士》,是諾貝爾文學獎得主托瑪斯.曼對出賣靈魂的現代詮釋。托瑪斯.曼的文學魅力,影響不少後來者,當中包括三島由紀夫。本書並收錄蘇珊.桑塔格 (Susan Sontag) 回憶十四歲時與朋友拜訪托瑪斯.曼之散文〈朝聖〉。


如果對生態環境有興趣,今期有台灣學者蔡振興的《生態文學概論 》及本地插畫師奇美的《擁抱海洋去旅行》。小說方面尚有黃碧雲的《七種靜默》及是枝裕和的《小偷家族》。此外還有余華的《十個詞彙裡的中國》、英倫才子艾倫‧狄波頓佳作Religion for Atheists,以及更多。







Alain de Botton, a non-believer himself, proposes in his book Religion for Atheists that we should look to religions for insights on, among other topics, how to: build a sense of community, make our relationships last, dampen feelings of envy and inadequacy, escape the 24-hour media world, go traveling, get more out of art, and build new businesses geared around our emotional needs. The title surely provides an interesting angle for atheists and agnostics to reflect upon.


Our warm welcome to student interns from the Hang Seng University and The University of Hong Kong for joining our book selection team starting this week. Check out Book Shopping, our online bookstore for their recommendations and more:


Book Shopping are selling quality used books at around 1/3 of their listed price. You can choose to pay by credit card, PayPal or cash. After that, a pickup arrangement can be scheduled. Alternatively, book(s) can be sent to you by SF Express. The shelves will be replenished on a weekly basis.


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