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蒲吧!尋寶吧! Open (A Book )Day〡2-4/8


( English version below) 一年只有兩次,「書送快樂」書倉「蒲書館」全面向公眾開放。逾二萬本由全港愛書人送出很新的中英文舊書,包括書店剛下架的、書迷搬家割愛的、兒女長大不得不捨棄的,全部以原價約三成發售。 . 代我哋嘅沙發、豆袋及軟墊表示:唔買齋睇,一樣歡迎。 . 嚟 hea 啦! . P.S. 8月3日仲有專為9-12歲小愛書人而設嘅「綠色特工隊」解謎遊戲,特工隊員有機會攞到最多$120蒲書館現金書券,即場換購心儀好書。免費參加,嚟玩啦!



Over 20,000 quality English and Chinese used books in good condition are here waiting to meet  book lovers of all ages. Come book-hunt at PPO Library, warehouse of local charity Read-Cycling. All books are sold at 1/3 of the original price, or lower. Proceeds of the sale will be used to support our book re-donation work and cultural activities.

Since its inception in 2009, Read-Cycling has received over 143,000 quality used books from book lovers all over Hong Kong and has helped more than 102,000  of them find new homes through charity sale and re-donating to the less-privileged communities, NGOs and schools. . 何時〡When: 2/8..........12nn - 7pm 3&4/8.....11am - 6pm . 何地〡Where: 蒲書館〡新蒲崗雙喜街17號富德工業大廈19A (港鐵鑽石山站A2出口)

PPO Library,19A, Success Industrial Building, 17 Sheung Hei St, San Po Kong ( MTR Station: Diamond  Hill, Exit A2 ) . 「蒲書館」乃註冊慈善團體「書送快樂」(IR No. 91/10408) 旗下項目,平日主要用作接待學校及非牟利團體,將收集到的好書轉贈不同社區,發揮資源共享精神。


PPO Library is a flagship project of government-registered charity Read-Cycling (IR No. 91/10408). It is mainly used as a resource centre where schools/NGOs can come to look for books in accordance with the interests of their students/members. . 更多「書送快樂」免費選書計劃資料/ More information about our book re-donation programs: .


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