「書送快樂」( IR No. 91/10408) 服務香港愛書人近11年,我們沒有政府資助,憑藉非常有限的
資源,舉辦不同類型文化活動逾200項,接收好書逾170,000本,並透過義賣及轉贈計劃,為近130,000本找到新讀者,受惠者除了個人,亦包括各區學校及社福團體。 . 多年來,Pacific Coffee 太平洋咖啡均會把7月份在店內捐款箱收集到的善款贈予「書送快樂」,用作書籍轉贈項目及文化活動經費。 . 你的支持,會讓更多好書重生,接觸及培育更多愛書人。 . 其他捐款方式包括: - PayPal: https://bit.ly/2Cm2KEB - 銀行轉賬:渣打銀行 A/C No 447-0-689416-5〡戶口名稱:書送快樂有限公司 . 捐款資料連結: https://www.read-cycling.org/donate
========== A local charity with no government subsidy, Read-Cycling ( IR No. 91/10408) in the past 11 years has received over 170,000 quality used books, with 130,000 of them re-channelled to beneficiary schools/NGOs and individual readers. More than 200 cultural events were organised to promote the joy of reading for different neighbourhoods. . Support our good cause will be convenient this month. Our gratitude to Pacific Coffee for choosing us again as their charity partner in July. You are welcome to drop any change into their donation box placed at the counter. The funds received this month will be used to support our book re-donation programmes and the organisation of cultural events. . Your generosity will make books more accessible to needy communities and help nurture new readers. . Other Donation Methods: - PayPal: https://bit.ly/2Cm2KEB - Bank Transfer:Standard Chartered Bank A/C No 447-0-689416-5〡A/C Name:Read-Cycling Company Ltd . More Donation Info: https://www.read-cycling.org/donate