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書送快樂日〡感謝與分享 Thank you book lovers and partners


▎轉贈新一章 今年除繼續招待社福機構會員參與「書送快樂行」以綠色待用書券選購心頭愛,亦有學校透過「無上限免費選書計劃」受惠。慕光英文書院10多名同學在老師帶領下,親手挑選切合心意的中英文書籍,同時為「書送快樂日」做了一節義工。


再次感謝陽光房地產基金及新都城中心一期慷慨贊助「書送快樂日」主要支出以及活動場地、玉清慈善基金贊助「書送快樂行」。並向 The Viewfinder Marketing Consultancy 提供設計及活動策劃支援表示謝意。


***************************** Read-Cycling would like to express our sincere gratitude to our volunteers, including almost 200 individual participants and more than 100 corporate/NGO/school volunteer team members for their unrelenting support in the past few months. Without their help, our annual readers' carnival Bring A Book & Share couldn't be as smooth and successful. The corporate/NGO/school volunteer teams include:

This year, we have received a record-high of 23,000 quality used books before and during the Event, where we gladly saw around 11,000 books of various interests find new homes through charity sale or our re-donation programs, i.e. the Book Trip and Free Books for NGO/school Scheme, of which the latter was a new addition to the Event. The teacher and students of Mu Kuang English School made the best use of the Scheme on the last evening of the Event while at the same time doubled as the Event’s volunteers. As regards the remaining books, they have already gone back to our warehouse, aka PPO Library, calmly awaiting another chance of meeting their Mr and Ms Right.

Our heartfelt gratitude again to Sunlight REIT and MetroCity Plaza 1 for sponsoring major expenses and venues, Yuk Ching Charity Trust for sponsoring the Book Trip, and The Viewfinder Marketing Consultancy for providing design and event management support.

See you again next year!


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