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平凡邪惡人獸鬼〡How Democracies Die






近年舊區「仕紳化」成為熱話。《如何謀殺一座城市》作者本業是記者,秉持尋根究柢精神,追蹤仕紳化怎樣蠶食鯨吞紐約一個個街區,政府政策和資本家又如何在幕後操盤。由兩位哈佛學者合著的 How Democracies Die仔細剖析歐洲及拉丁美洲民主體制瓦解因由,其他國家又可怎樣汲取教訓,以及自救。








Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt find that democracies “die” when politicians weaken democratic safeguards against authoritarian rule. Drawing on a wide range of historical examples in Europe and Latin America, their book How Democracies Die talks about why American democracy is in danger and how it can be saved.

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