月前「書送快樂」的 Cynthia 應香港南區扶輪社之邀,於午餐會上分享推動綠色閱讀的工作與抱負。與會朋友對此甚感興趣,並決定進一步瞭解這個超微型民間慈善團體的日常運作。
Read-Cycling wishes to extend our sincere gratitude to the Rotary Club of Hong Kong South for their kind gift in support of our mission and work. We will use it wisely.
Their members also paid a visit to our warehouse, aka PPO Library in August with a view to understand more about our operation and needs. They were impressed by the tremendous amount of books in storage and the cosy reading area we set aside within the warehouse. Some thoughts were exchanged almost immediately on finding more channels for book re-donation.
It was such a rewarding morning. During the visit, the Rotarians and their family members also bought books after browsing through the 10,000 titles displayed on the shelves.
Thank you very much again!