農曆七月為「鬼月」,相傳是鬼門關大開的日子。鬼月自有其禁忌,讀鬼故事卻百無禁忌。鬼月選書充滿懸疑、恐怖、驚悚、犯罪、破膽……。「書店快樂」新上架(馬上買書:**link 在留言區**)
理髮店飛髮兼飛甩埋個頭?!英式人肉叉燒包 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street,好驚驚!
好書還有《暴政》。在紊亂的時代,強人當道、謊言充斥、價值觀扭曲,人們以自我利益為大,枉顧公眾需求,作者提摩希‧史奈德(Timothy Snyder)透過歷史的重要轉捩點,凝縮成20堂課,啟廸我們如何在暴亂的時代,掌握真相的樣貌和站穩應有的立場。
嚟「書店快樂」逛下啦 ( Link 在留言區 ) ,直接上「蒲書館」買亦可,逢周四至日1-6pm開放。所有書籍均以原價約三成出售,可以信用卡、PayPal或現金付款,結帳後即可預約取書,或選擇順豐快運送抵指定地點。
The man you lunched with yesterday could be your lunch today! The protagonist of the sensational thriller Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
was accused of robbing and murdering more than 150 customers. To dispose of their remains, he carried them through underground tunnels to the bakery of one Mrs. Lovett a few blocks away, where they supplied the stuffing for her meat pies, the favourite mid-day repast of the lawyers who worked nearby and got their shaves from Sweeney Todd.
Check out Book Shopping, our online bookstore now (See link at comment column). You can also visit PPO Library for more titles. We open every Thursday to Sunday from 1 to 6pm.
Book Shopping are selling quality used books at around 1/3 of their listed price. You can choose to pay by credit card, PayPal or cash. After that, a pickup arrangement can be scheduled. Alternatively, book(s) can be sent to you by SF Express. The shelves will be replenished on a weekly basis.