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誰是大英雄〡Legends of the Condor Heroes By Jin Yong



《劍俠傳》一般指明代王世貞輯錄的唐宋時期三十三篇劍俠小說,其中〈聶隱娘〉近年被侯孝賢改編為電影。楊倫著作《劍俠傳校証》 查究不同版本,並導讀小說初衷與隱衷,饒富興味。現時上架為罕有繁體字版。


金庸於1957年在報章開始連載《射鵰英雄傳》,華文世界代代相傳,至今售出逾億部。半世紀後,牛津大學當代中國研究碩士郝玉青(Anna Holmwood) 成為首位獲授權的《射鵰》譯者,第一卷 A Hero Born 讓武俠小說打入英語社會,面世後首月即加印到第七版,歐美多個國家相繼買下英譯本版權。








While it might be easy to describe Condor Heroes as China's answer to Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire, Boston University professor Petrus Liu compares Jin Yong's popularity and relevance to Jane Austen: "Only six novels to work with, but the movies never quit coming." And he says Jin Yong — like Austen — is renowned for his social observations and insight into human nature, which is why so many people adapt his work.

-- Alan Yu, NPR


A Hero Born: Legends of the Condor Heroes Vol. 1 now available at Book Shopping, our online bookstore :


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