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在城市漫遊〡The Belly of Paris

漫遊者(Flâneur)一詞,出自19世紀法國詩人波德萊爾 (Charles Baudelaire)的詩歌散文,意指以步行觀察城市的人,重點是閒,閒閒逛逛,觀察與發現都在不經意之間。「書店快樂」新上架(馬上買書:






法國文豪佐拉 (Emile Zola)筆下的巴黎是不容錯過的,The Belly of Paris 故事場景是十九世紀末巴黎市中心最熱鬧的食品市場,當時巴黎的城市變遷、街道古蹟、階級鬥爭、政治衝突,和食物文化等都封存在小說裏。


漢娜.鄂蘭(Hannah Arendt)名著《平凡的邪惡:艾希曼耶路撒冷大審紀實》是一本理解猶太歷史、納粹德國,甚至正義與邪惡的經典作品。書中提出「平庸之惡」的概念,至今仍是每位政客不能迴避的問題。














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“Set amid the bustling Les Halles market, the novel (The Belly of Paris) ‘revolves around the graphically illustrated conceit that the bourgeoisie not only eats too much but has an unhealthy obsession with food.’ Its descriptions of cuisine, too, are notable for their length, detail and humor.” —Washington Post


The Belly of Paris (Le Ventre de Paris) is the third volume in Emile Zola's famous cycle of twenty novels, Les Rougon-Macquart. It introduces the painter Claude Lantier and in its satirical representation of the bourgeoisie and capitalism complements Zola's other great novels of social conflict and urban poverty.


Check out Book Shopping, our online bookstore now: ( You can also visit PPO Library for more titles. We open every Thursday to Saturday from 1 to 6pm.


Book Shopping are selling quality used books at around 1/3 of their listed price. You can choose to pay by credit card, PayPal or cash. After that, a pickup arrangement can be scheduled. Alternatively, book(s) can be sent to you by SF Express. The shelves will be replenished on a weekly basis.


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