阿 Craig 見証香港咖啡文化冒起,對精品咖啡充滿熱誠,銳意培育年輕人並助他們創業。
下周末 (11/28),來聽一個咖啡烘焙師的私分享,同場加設拉花表演。
名額有限 馬上報名 完全免費:https://forms.gle/w88svZ5yyuJkUjBT8
Craig Jackson, co-founder of Redback Specialty Coffee, is our neighbour downstairs. While we seldom met, he always sends up roasted aroma to say "hi". He's such a friendly Aussie that when we invited him to host a sharing session during the Open (A Book) Day, he said "yes" accompanied by a coffee machine to be placed at PPO Library during the event period for visitors to enjoy.
Craig has been in Hong Kong for 21 years. He loves to share with you on 11/28 (Sat) his passion and vision for coffee, the sharp growth of local artisan coffee shops, and his experience of helping young baristas find their way. Latte art performance after the sharing.
Limited seats available. Free-of-charge. Sign up now: