google-site-verification: google1673b2117cb94912.html Thank You Partners | Read-Cycling書送快樂
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  We were greatly indebted to the corporations/organisations below for their sponsorship and resource support in 2022.  

​捐款 Donation

1. 華僑銀行(香港) | OCBC Bank (Hong Kong)

2. 海港城置業有限公司|Harbour City Estates Limited

3. 漢斯有限合夥公司|Hines Asia Pacific

4. 香港愛樂盟扶輪社|Rotary Club of Hong Kong Elements

5. 南島中學 | South Island School

6. 鴨脷洲街坊學校 | Aplichau Kaifong Primary School

7. 潮洲會館中學|Chiu Chow Association Secondary School

8. 嗇色園主辦可銘學校|Ho Ming Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

9. 香港藝術發展局|Hong Kong Arts Development Council

10. 香港聖公會九龍城青少年綜合服務中心 | Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Kowloon City Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre

​資源支持 Sponsorship in Kind

1. The Viewfinder Marketing Consultancy

2. 救世軍|The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Territiory

企業/團體 (活動合作)    Corporate/Organisation Coop Activity

1. 閱讀俱樂部|A Book Club

2. 界限書店|Boundary Bookstore

3. 潮洲會館中學|Chiu Chow Association Secondary School

4. 香港桌上角色扮演遊戲同好會|HKTRPGC

5. 嗇色園主辦可銘學校|Ho Ming Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)

6. 小讀讀|Little DooDoo

7. 書少少x同渡館|Littlelittlebooks

8. 盒誌|Littlezinehk

9. 一舊飯團|Riceballershk

企業/團體義工隊   Corporate/Organisation Volunteer Team

1. 華僑銀行(香港) | OCBC Bank (Hong Kong)

2. 海港城置業有限公司|Harbour City Estates Limited

3. 漢斯有限合夥公司|Hines Asia Pacific

4. 香港愛樂盟扶輪社|Rotary Club of Hong Kong Elements

​支持夥伴 Friendly Partner

1. 香港永明金融|Sunlife insurance

2. 香港電燈有限公司 | The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited

3. 建造業零碳天地|Zero Carbon Park


  We were also delighted to help bring more joy of reading through the Free Books Programs and other activities on campus in 2023 to the following schools and NGOs:


1. 上水宣道小學 | Alliance Primary School, Sheung Shui

2. 鴨脷洲街坊學校 | Aplichau Kaifong Primary School


4. 香港嘉諾撒學校 | Canossa School Hong Kong

5. 明愛樂進學校 | Caritas Lok Jun School

6. 中華基督教會基法小學 | CCC Kei Faat Primary School

7. 地利亞修女紀念學校(協和二中) | Delia Memorial School (Hip Wo No.2 College)

8. 基督教香港信義會宏信書院 | ELCHK Lutheran Academy

9. 五邑鄒振猷學校 | FDBWA Chow Chin Yau School

10. 香港道教聯合會圓玄學院第三中學 | HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.3 Secondary School

11. 香港復臨學校 | Hong Kong Adventist Academy

12. 香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學 | Hong Kong Red Swastika Society Tai Po Secondary School

13. 一諾中學 | Inno Secondary School

14. 林村公立黃福鑾紀念學校 | Lam Tsuen Public Wong Fook Luen Memorial School

15. 李鄭屋官立小學 | Li Cheng Uk Government Primary School

16. 樂善堂劉德學校 | Lok Sin Tong Lau Tak Primary School

17. 天主教伍華小學 | Ng Wah Catholic Primary School

18. 獻主會聖母院書院 | Notre Dame College

19. 新界婦孺福利會梁省德學校 | NTWJWAL Leung Sing Tak Primary School

20. 五旬節靳茂生小學 | Pentecostal Gin Mao Sheng Primary School

21. 寶安商會王少清中學 | Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School

22. 寶血會培靈學校 | Pui Ling School Of The Precious Blood

23. 天主教培聖中學 | Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School

24. 石湖墟公立學校 | Shek Wu Hui Public School

25. 聖公會蒙恩小學 | SKH Mung Yan Primary School

26. 香港扶幼會則仁中心學校(小學部) | Society of Boys' Centres Chak Yan Centre School

27. 中華基督教會桂華山中學 | The Church of Christ in China Kwei Wah Shan College

28. 東華三院辛亥年總理中學 | TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors' College

29. 東華三院蔡榮星小學 | TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School

30. 仁濟醫院羅陳楚思中學 | Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si College


1. 生命頌浸信會 | Celebrate Life Baptist Church

2. 中國基督教播道會啟福堂 | Evangelical Free Church of China Kai Fook Church

3. 基督教香港信義會 樂聚軒 | Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong

4. 香港聖公會九龍城青少年綜合服務中心 | Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Kowloon City Children and Youth Integrated Services Centre

5. 香港單親協會 | Hong Kong Single Parents Association

6. 學生輔助會 | Hong Kong Student Aid Society

7. 以勒行動 | Jireh Action

8. 香港家庭福利會北角綜合家庭服務中心 | North Point Integrated Family Service Centre

9. 基督教協基會社會服務部 | The Church of United Brethren in Christ Social Service Division

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